What Mouse DPI For Gaming Do I Need To Improve My Skill?
Mouse DPI For Gaming

While shopping for a gaming mouse, you must see a piece of information labeled on the mouse as DPI or the DPI of the mouse. And sellers often use this term for indicating how good the mouse is for gaming. Because it is one of those overused and overhyped marketing terms used in the gaming peripherals industry. So what does this mouse DPI mean? In this article, you’ll get to know what a mouse DPI is? How does it affect your gaming? How you can check your mouse DPI? And What is the best mouse DPI for gaming?
What Is Mouse DPI?
The term DPI itself is kinda a misnomer. Often, people referring mouse DPI as to mouse sensitivity. It is wrong. DPI stands for Dots Per Inch. Meaning that, like its sound, the number of individual dots can fit in a straight line within the span of 1 inch. So when it comes to the mouse it would better be called CPI or counts per inch. That means the number of pixels that the mouse able to register when you move the mouse 1 inch in physical space.
For instance, a mouse with 800 CPI will cover the 800px of your monitor as you move your mouse. The higher the CPI the more sensitive your mouse will be.
Now, you might be wounder higher CPI must always be better. Well, no. In gaming higher CPI might be helpful for quickly move and cover larger pixels area. But also it causes some significant issues with accuracy. 8000CPI doesn’t mean that the mouse will able to read more information than an 800CPI mouse. CPI only measures the relationship between how far your mouse moves on the surface and how far the cursor moves on the screen.
How Does DPI Affect Your Gaming Skill?
If you purchased a decent gaming mouse, you will able to change the DPI of the mouse. In most cases, a physical button is located right under the scroll wheel to change DPI. But how DPI and sensitivity work on FPS gaming? A higher DPI does not mean a better mouse and better gaming performance.
In any FPS games, let’s say in APEX Legends you’ll find a separate sensitivity option in the game setting. DPI is determined by the hardware of the mouse where the sensitivity is determined by the software of the game. Both the physical DPI button or in-game mouse sensitivity can affect your gaming. Because both are kind of used for the same purpose. By setting your mouse sensitivity using the mouse DPI, you can use the same sensitivity for every FPS game. That can really help you in muscle memory and overall your gaming skill.
A good rule of thumb is to use 400DPI. If you playing on a low resolution. And 800DPI if you are playing on a resolution native to your monitor. You just have to find the sensitivity that works for you. There are lots of settings when it comes to the mouse. The idea of getting the right settings is to turn off as much pointless crap as possible. So that when you move the mouse, the corsair moves just as far as you move the mouse.
You need it to be consistent. The thing about playing an e-Sport title like counter-strike is that you need it to be consistent. You can turn off enhance pointer precision from windows settings. It does not enhance the pointer precision, it just does other calculations you just don’t need it. The same thing goes for your in-game settings, turn off mouse acceleration. It will be inconsistent and it will take more time to move where you want to. So with mouse acceleration, you won’t be able to flick shoot.
Best Mouse DPI For Gaming
So what is the best DPI for gaming and how much DPI good for gaming? There is no correct DPI number for any games. Because in terms of genre every game is different from each other. But you can consider using the recommended DPI settings for some common genre.
- 400 DPI-800 DPI: For multiplayer online battle arena type games
- 400 DPI – 1000 DPI: For first-person shooting games
- 1000 DPI – 1200 DPI: For real-time strategy-based games
- 1000 DPI – 1600 DPI: For MMO RPG games
These are some recommended DPI settings you can use on what games you like to play most.
How To Finding Your Sensitivity And Settings
The in-game sensitivity is variable as a software-based multiplier to your DPI. So if you have 400 DPI and 2 in-game sensitivity, it will be the same as 800 DPI. For the right sensitivity, you need to find the optimization between being able to micro-correct your aim and your movement. It is easier to aim at lower sensitivity. But it easier to move at a higher sensitivity. The advice I gave everyone is to make your sensitivity as low as possible. While still being able to turn 180 degrees consistently. It does take a bit of tweaking to find out what best for you.
First, start by settings your DPI and all of your mouse settings, then slowly adjust the sensitivity to find out what works for you. If it looks like you have to pick up the mouse a lot when you’re just walking around, you probably got your sensitivity low. On the other hand, if you are having a lot of difficulty aiming and you seem to overshoot your target a lot, you probably have your sensitivity too high.
How To Check Your Mouse DPI
If you have a physical DPI button on the mouse then you can easily see and change your mouse DPI from the mouse software like Razer or Corsair. But if you don’t have any DPI physical button you can use some online tool like Mouse-Sensitivity.
Before testing these online tools, make sure your Enhance pointer precision turns off. To turn it off You can Go to Additional Mouse Option > Pointer Options > Uncheck Enhance pointer precision